Cost of treatment

  • We accept Aetna and Optum insurance

    And their sub-plans

  • Don't have Aetna or Optum?

    Other insurance plans typically reimburse you a portion of the costs for therapy. We are happy to walk you through finding out what benefits your insurance company offers towards the cost of treatment.

  • Out of Network benefits

    What this means is you pay for treatment at the time of service. We then provide you with an itemized receipt that you submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through every step of the process. It’s not that bad.

  • Two questions to ask your insurance company before you get started:

    1. What is your reimbursement rate for CPT Codes (5 digit code).

    2. What is the turn around time for reimbursement.

  • Initial consultation


    Complimentary. We’re happy to meet you!

    An opportunity to learn more about each other. Let us know what your goals for therapy are and we’ll explain some of the ways we can help.

  • Psychotherapy - Intake


    First session intake.

    We’ll go over the paperwork and begin to game plan a treatment plan.


    CPT Code: 90791

  • Psychotherapy


    Standard therapy session.


    CPT Code: 90834

  • Psychotherapy


    Longer session. When just a bit more time is needed.


    CPT Code: 90837

  • Psychotherapy


    Shorter session. Best for kids


    CPT Code: 90832

  • Couples/ Marital therapy



    CPT Code: 90847

  • Psychological assessments

    Costs vary, please inquire

Advantages of self-pay / out of network (OON)

  • Your privacy is protected. You control who knows about your treatment.

  • See the therapist of your choosing, and be able to decide together with your therapist what treatment to use and how long and how often to meet.

  • Your therapist does not have to provide any information about your treatment to your insurer.

  • Your therapist can get to know you before developing a diagnosis and treatment plan.  

  • Therapy is not limited to “covered medical conditions” but can cover any issue you and your therapist decide together would benefit you.

  • See a therapist for as many sessions as you and your therapist decide are necessary for achieving your therapeutic goals.

  • Paying out of pocket can motivate you to see results sooner and invest more fully in the process of therapy.

Please see below for information on self-pay individuals.

Good Faith Estimates for Uninsured (or Self-Pay) Individuals

You are generally considered an uninsured or self-pay individual if you do not have health insurance, or do not plan to use your insurance to pay for a medical item or service. If you are an uninsured or self-pay individual, a provider or facility must give you a “good faith estimate” detailing what you may be charged before you receive the item or service.

The good faith estimate will include:

  • A list of items and services that the scheduling provider or facility reasonably expects to provide you for that period of care.

  • Beginning in 2023, a list of items and services and their associated costs, that can be reasonably expected to be given to you by another provider or facility involved in your care (a co-provider or co-facility). For example, a doctor probably expects that along with an individual’s knee replacement surgery, the patient will also be given anesthesia. Both of these items and services should be included in your good faith estimate, and starting in 2023, the anesthesia items and services will have to be included.

  • Applicable diagnosis codes and service codes.

  • Expected charges or costs associated with each item or service from each provider and facility.

  • A notification that if the billed charges are higher than the good faith estimate, you can ask your provider or facility to update the bill to match the good faith estimate, ask to negotiate the bill, or ask if there is financial assistance available.

  • Information on how to dispute your bill if it is at least $400 higher for any provider or facility than the good faith estimate you received from that provider or facility.

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit